The 企业管理 program offers students a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the dynamic world of business. This program integrates business principles with a Christian worldview, 强调道德决策, 仆人领导, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the business community.

The program emphasizes practical application of business knowledge. Students will have opportunities to engage in case studies, 模拟, and real-world projects that mirror the challenges faced by business professionals. These experiences enable students to develop critical thinking, 解决问题, 以及决策能力.







You will be supported by your faculty and staff members at 坚实可靠的大学 as an online student. You are invited to experience a discussion-centered education model that fosters connections with your peers while learning from dedicated faculty with experience in the field. You will have the convenience to work from anywhere, and you won’t miss out on the benefits of dialogue with your class. 在坚实可靠, our students are at the heart of everything we do, and you will see the difference in your learning community and connections with professors.

Young Man with Hat Sitting at Table with Laptop


The courses listed below are some of our featured core classes that will be a part of your educational journey here at Multnomah. 看一下每门课程的预览.

Students will be introduced to the principles of effective leadership while they begin reflecting on their leadership style and its impact on their personal and professional development. The course will address the importance of strategic thinking, 领导团队, 管理变更, 道德领导. Students will conduct a self-assessment of leadership behaviors and managerial style which will result in developing a personal growth plan for improving leadership performance.

This course explores how organizational goals are met through the management of people and resources in planning, 控制, 交付, 评估项目的完成情况.

Examines the growing trends underlying the changing nature of the business environment and the opportunities that this brings for innovation and entrepreneurship. 这门课程定义了可持续创新, examines the process of innovation and entrepreneurship and their relationship to sustainability.

This course looks at how individuals and organizations function as complex systems. Students will acquire the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to understand and diagnose the various factors affecting organizational performance.


Here you will find everything you need to know about what is required to successfully complete your degree. Whether you are beginning college for the first time or are a transfer student, 我们会帮你的.



你得了B.A. 工商管理, you will be equipped as a competent and redemptive presence in the business world and prepared for roles, 如:

•客户经理 •非营利组织经理 •营销专员
•销售专员 •企业家 •首席运营官
•首席行政官 •独立商业顾问 •人力资源代表